Callout for Creatives to be profiled on Our Fraser Coast
The Fraser Coast Regional Arts Development Fund will support professional development for professional regional artists, musicians, performers and creatives by developing an artist profile and sharing their story to assist with regional audience growth.
Successful applicants will receive a professionally written profile story, professional photography and promotion via Council’s Cultural Services marketing program. This includes being published on the Our Fraser Coast website, and may also feature in the printed Fraser Coast Scene guide, with shortened forms possibly appearing on Council social media channels.
Applicants must be:
- residents of the Fraser Coast
- actively creating within the Fraser Coast community
- over 18 years of age, or have their application co-signed by their legal guardian
Completed application forms can be emailed to, or dropped in to Gatakers Artspace all year round.
This project is funded by the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), a partnership between the Queensland Government and Fraser Coast Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.
Photo by mikoto.raw Photographer