Arts & Culture Strategy 2022-2026

Fraser Coast Regional Council supports the growth of a vibrant and active cultural life within our community.

We believe that arts and culture are essential for our community and should be experienced as part of our everyday lives.

Council provides a range of services, venues and programs in the arts, cultural and heritage fields.

After significant community input and consultation, Council endorsed the Fraser Coast Arts & Culture Strategy 2022-2026. It provides direction for the Fraser Coast on development of arts and cultural activities and resources across Council, and also provides a road map for the community, supporting us all in working together and continuing to achieve great outcomes for the whole of the Fraser Coast.

Download the Fraser Coast Arts & Culture Strategy


Fraser Coast will be a leading regional centre for living heritage, lively culture, powerful stories and creative communities.


  • We believe community members should have access to quality arts and cultural facilities and experiences across the region.
  • We value the role of the arts, culture, artists, creatives and their contributions to resilient, diverse and sustainable communities.
  • We recognise the importance of governance and sector development for an effective creative and cultural ecology.
  • We encourage innovation and creativity in arts and culture and the personal, economic and social benefits for our region.
  • We nurture collaboration and partnerships within and beyond our region to maximise investment and outcomes.
  • We promote the role of arts, culture and heritage to build a strong sense of place and identity, both for ourselves and the world beyond.

Strategic Themes

  1. Indigenous creativity and cultures are respected and celebrated
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, cultures, connections to Country (land, sea and sky) and stories are respected, visible and celebrated within the life and profile of the region, with Butchulla and other Indigenous groups supported to achieve their goals.
  2. History and heritage are protected, valued and enlivened
    Our outstanding cultural, built and natural heritage is central to our regional identity. Our stories are protected, cherished and enlivened to benefit current and future generations.
  3. Participation, learning and development in arts and culture empowers people
    Opportunities to engage in creative and cultural capacity building and development are accessible across the region, lifespan and diversity groups. Inclusive arts and cultural engagement promotes individual development, wellbeing and empowerment, community connections, creative recovery, social cohesion, and creative enterprise.
  4. Arts and cultural experiences and creations activate communities
    The Fraser Coast region hosts a diverse range of arts and cultural experiences, programs, events and festivals that contribute to the attraction and amenity of the region, and that create a sense of belonging and identity for residents as well as vitality for visitors and tourists.
  5. Infrastructure and investment enable culture to grow
    The Fraser Coast’s range of cultural facilities, indoor and outdoor spaces, mobile infrastructure and digital platforms are maintained and extended upon to enable communities to access and experience a diverse range of arts and cultural experiences.
  6. Connections and partnerships promote our arts and culture
    Our regional artists, creatives and organisations are connected, profiled and promoted to communicate our stories, and heighten our reputation and pride.