20/10/23 Flying Arts: Discuss your career or practice one-on-one with a respected arts industry professional.
Two new community members have joined the Fraser Coast Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Advisory Committee and the 2023/24 program guidelines have been endorsed by Council.
Closes 6/10/23: The Queensland Regional Art Awards is an annual visual arts prize and exhibition for established and emerging artists living in regional and remote Queensland. Prizes total $140,150.
Fraser Coast community groups and not-for-profit organisations planning events to celebrate Australia Day in 2024 can now apply for Council grants. Applications close Monday 2 October.
Fraser Coast community groups and organisations can now apply for Council grants to help plan and host a Christmas or New Year’s Eve event, or decorate the main streets of small towns. Closes 25.09.23
Fraser Coast residents are being encouraged to nominate local unsung heroes and high achievers from all walks of life for the 2024 Australia Day Awards.
The Hervey Bay Regional Gallery (HBRG) is excited to announce the launch of its inaugural Regional Spotlight program.
Local historians are set to enhance their skills in a transformative workshop hosted by Fraser Coast Regional Council and the Queensland Museum later this month.
Closes 5/9/23. Australia Council for the Arts
Fraser Coast residents interested in helping support and promote local arts, heritage and culture are encouraged to be part of Council’s Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) Advisory Committee.
14/8/23: RASN Southern Qld. Free webinar where the Creative Recovery Network and the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal come together to delve into the transformative power of Creative Recovery
Closes 19/9/23: Australia Council for the Arts: support Australian rights sellers, literary agents, and publishers of works for children and young adults to travel to New York in February 2024.
Waste to Art 2023 Competition Now Open
Closes 1/8/23. Join CQUniversity's iActivate: Regional Female Founder Accelerator, to design and grow your business, your networks, and your reach - for good!
Fraser Coast Regional Council is excited to welcome the Queensland Ballet to Hervey Bay on 16 July 2023, where they will host four classes for dancers of all ages and abilities.