Calling All Musos! Expression of Interests for Brolga Live @
This year the Brolga Theatre is bringing live music out into the open in towns all over the Fraser Coast.
Council seeks expressions of interest from regional musicians – both individual solo artists and bands to perform as part of 2021 Brolga Live @ performance program.
The program aims to provide live music experiences at various pop up locations including the smaller communities of the Fraser Coast. The performances will be run within COVIDSafe events framework and, where possible, be live streamed to the broader community via the Brolga Theatre YouTube channel.
We invite regional musicians to submit a quote to perform at various outdoor community venues throughout 2021. Original songwriters are especially encouraged to make a submission.
Program details:
Musicians are required for the following:
• One hour acoustic solo/duo set
• Two hour headline band set
Performances are typically held on Friday or Saturday evenings.
All technical support provided by Brolga Theatre technical team.
Your submission should include:
- CV including links to performance recordings if available
- Quotation for performance
- Copy of Public Liability Insurance.
Applications are due by COB Friday 5 March. Please submit all information via email to or call the theatre on 4122 6060 for more information.
Brolga Live @ is an initiative of Fraser Coast Regional Council and supported by funding from Live Music Australia and the Regional Arts Development Fund.