Arts Acumen
Arts Acumen promotes collaboration, entrepreneurship and future thinking, with resources, information and opportunities to foster knowledge, connections and access to industry intelligence.
This initiative aligns with Creative Together 2020-2030: A 10-Year Roadmap for arts, culture and creativity in Queensland to strengthen sustainability in Queensland’s arts sector. Arts Acumen has been developed in consultation with arts sector individuals, organisations and advisory bodies.
Arts Data
Research and data conducted in relation to arts, culture and creativity -
Business Planning Resources
Resources to help you organise and develop your strategic business planning. -
Case Studies
Explore case studies from activities and organisations funded through Arts Queensland programs as well as other projects and initiatives that offer useful reflections on practice and outcomes for you and your arts business. -
Evaluation and Reporting Resources
Understand evaluation methods and how to implment strong reporting techniques at the beginning of your project. -
Grant writing support
Writing a successful grant can be hard work and take time. It is very important to understand and communicate how you will develop your project, so please see Business & Project Development Support before writing a grant application. -
Marketing and Promotion Resources
Tips and tricks to get your message out and market your project to your target audience. -
Procurement resources
Links to resources and information to assist in submitting competitive Government tenders.