Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF)

The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is an annual partnership between the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland and Fraser Coast Regional Council. RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers of diverse and inclusive communities and strong regions.

Let's create!

RADF aims to support activities that directly benefit arts, culture or heritage in the Fraser Coast area and:

  • build the capacity and develop skills of local, professional or emerging creatives; and/or
  • engage the Fraser Coast community to value, celebrate, share and participate in arts, culture and heritage. 

If you have an idea that offers these opportunities, read on.

Before you apply

  1. Complete the RADF Applicant Eligibility Checklist to check your basic eligibility.

  2. Consider which Funding Category is suitable to your idea.

  3. Consider how your idea meets Fraser Coast's local priorities within the funding guidelines.

  4. Contact the RADF Liaison Officer to discuss your project by phone 1300 79 49 29 or email:

Funding categories

  • Objective
    For individual local professional and emerging creatives to build their capacity by attending professional development activities. 

    What funding is available?
    $300 to $1,000, covering up to 100% of eligible expenses

    Examples of eligible expenses
    Workshop, Conference or Seminar fees, meal allowances, travel and accommodation.

  • Objective 
    For development activities that build the capacity and develop skills of local professional or emerging creatives by producing and delivering professional development opportunities.

    What funding is available?
    $500 to $3,000, covering up to 75% of eligible expenses

    Examples of eligible expenses

    • Short-term venue hire for development activity.
    • Marketing profile for an established or emerging artist, including professional photography, videography and/or biography to be shared on various platforms.
    • Concept development including professional research and development of ideas and new project proposals to the implementation stage. The project should demonstrate how it will contribute to the future arts and cultural development of the region.
    • Professional fees including producing, recording, videography, photography, graphic design and marketing.
    • Short-term development activities with a suitably qualified mentor, coach or established practitioner.
  • Objective

    For projects that engage the Fraser Coast community to value, celebrate, share and participate in arts, culture and heritage by supporting projects that strategically promote and celebrate our stories; or focus on community participation in creative experiences. 

    • Host and support events with and for community, that maximise opportunities for arts and cultural engagement.
    • Develop arts programs and promote local creative enterprise within other key festivals and events.

    What funding is available?
    $500 to $10,000, covering up to 75% of eligible expenses

    Examples of eligible expenses

    • A community-focused arts or culture experience within other local major events and festivals.
    • A performance, activity or digital media project that shares a unique story.
    • Sharing and preserving our heritage and culture collections through captivating storytelling and displays.

    Please note: Only costs related directly to delivering the activity itself are eligible, such as:

    • Artist/professional fees
    • Travel and accommodation for visiting artists
    • Project materials
    • Promotion/advertising
    • Venue hire
    • Administration costs (should not be the majority of costs).

Key dates

Application submissions

Applications can be submitted anytime between Monday 2 September 2024 until Monday 12 May 2025. To reach the assessment periods, applications should be submitted by:

Submission date Projects delivered between
14 October 2024 18 November 2024 - 18 November 2025
3 February 2025 10 March 2025 - 10 March 2026
12 May 2025 16 June 2025 - 16 June 2026

Please allow at least ten business days prior to the closing date to discuss your submission with the RADF Liaison Officer. It is recommended that applications are submitted prior to these dates so Council Officers can check for errors and if identified, endeavour to work with the applicant to correct the application.

Please note if all RADF funds are committed during initial rounds then additional rounds of RADF will not be offered. It is recommended that you apply for funds in early rounds to avoid disappointment. 

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission via email 4-5 weeks after applications close.

RADF funds will be paid into the applicant’s nominated account within 4-6 weeks of signed Funding Agreement and receipt of invoice.

Project Completion
Your project must be completed, and funds expended within 12 months of funds being granted, unless written approval has been given for an extension for your project.

Project Acquittal
Acquittals for successful projects are due 28 days after the project completion date.

Frequently asked questions

  • To see if you meet the base eligibility criteria, complete the eligibility checklist

    RADF Applicant Eligibility Checklist

    Who can apply:

    • Individual emerging and established artists, arts practitioners and cultural workers
    • Businesses
    • Registered not-for-profit organisations
    • Groups and collectives

    Applicants must:

    • be based in the Fraser Coast Regional Council area; or able to demonstrate how the project will directly benefit arts and culture in the Fraser Coast community 
    • be Australian citizens or permanent residents
    • have met all acquittal conditions of previous Council grants
    • hold an ABN; or be able to obtain auspice by a suitable party*
    • have Public Liability Insurance; or able to obtain auspice by a suitable party*.

    *Not applicable to applicants of Participation category.

  • The Fraser Coast Regional Arts Development Fund Community Grants funding pool totals $50,000 for the current funding period.

    Applications can apply for funding for the following amounts:

    • Participate - up to $1,000
    • Develop - up to $3,000
    • Share - up to $10,000

    Check the RADF guidelines for more information.

    Please note if all RADF funds are committed during initial rounds then additional rounds of RADF will not be offered. It is recommended that you apply for funds in early rounds to avoid disappointment. 

    Exceptional applications requesting more than the funding amount listed may be considered. Please contact the RADF Liaison to discuss your proposal.

  • Applications can be submitted anytime between Monday 2 September 2024 until Monday 12 May 2025.

    To reach the assessment periods, applications should be submitted by:

    Submission date Projects delivered between
    14 October 2024 18 November 2024 - 18 November 2025
    3 February 2025 10 March 2025 - 10 March 2026
    12 May 2025 16 June 2025 - 16 June 2026

    It is recommended that applications are submitted prior to these dates so Council Officers can check for errors and if identified, endeavour to work with the applicant to correct the application.

    If all RADF funds are committed during initial rounds then additional rounds of RADF will not be offered. It is recommended that you apply for funds in early rounds to avoid disappointment. 

    * RADF will not fund restrospective costs. Project delivery should only commence after the signing of the Funding Agreement (approximately 4 weeks after the assessment cut off dates). 

  • Council will publicise the availability of RADF grant programmes on Council’s website and social media sites, in the local media and by direct email to individuals and organisations listed on the Grants Distribution list.

    1. RADF Applicant Eligibility Checklist. Complete the online form to ensure you are eligible to apply. 
    2. Contact Council’s RADF Liaison Officer. They can assist with project development and general information about the application process. Please allow at least ten business days prior to the closing date to discuss your application. 
    3. Preview the SmartyGrants application form. Visit for a link to the preview the form. We recommend you preview the form before you begin planning your project.
    4. Plan your project. Check the timing of your project with the assessment dates. Define your project scope and ensure you gather all your initial application support materials and prepare your project budget. 
    5. Login to SmartyGrants. Council’s grant programs are based online via SmartyGrants. Applicants will require a SmartyGrants account to view the application form and submit their application. Once an application has been started, you can save and return anytime before the form’s closing date.
    6. Submit your application. When an application is submitted, the applicant will receive an email confirmation of lodgement and a copy of the submitted application for the organisation’s records. If this notification is not received please contact Council’s RADF Liaison Officer.

    Please note: If you are having difficulties accessing the SmartyGrants system, please call 1300 79 49 29 and ask to speak to the RADF Liaison Officer.

  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission via email 4-5 weeks after the closing date of the assessment periods.

  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission via email 4-5 weeks after the closing date of the assessment periods.

    If your RADF application is successful, you will receive notification of conditional approval to begin your project.

    Funding can only be allocated after the funding agreement and requested additional documents are supplied. 

  • An individual, partnership, group or unincorporated organisation without an ABN (auspicee) must work with an incorporated auspicing organisation (auspicor) to apply for funding. The auspicor will be required to complete and submit the application in consultation with the auspicee. 

  • If you are hosting an event or activity, various approvals and bookings may be required. 

    Council regulates events and activities both on public and private land.

    On public land this ensures public safety, balance of events/activities and to maintain infrastructure and on private land to make sure events are carried out safely and are considerate of others and the surrounding environment.

    Permits are required in most circumstances and failure to obtain a permit may result in penalties. 

    Please check Council's Hold an Event webpage to ensure you meet requirements.

  • Initial application

    The following support materials should be supplied to support your application:

    • A brief CV for all key personnel that the RADF grant will pay for and written confirmation of their participation (for Organisations just the artistic/creative director). This will enable the assessors to determine the quality and suitability of personnel involved. Please keep CVs to a maximum of one (1) page.    
    • A minimum of one (1) and up to three (3) letters of support which includes the contact details of the author.
    • Copies of quotes to support your budget.
    After conditional approval

    You will be sent an email requesting additional support materials, including

    • A signed funding agreement
    • An invoice from the Applicant to Council for the amount of agreed funding
    • Bank account details on an official bank statement
    • Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency
    • Copies of other insurances and licenses as relevant to your project.
    • An outline of potential risks to your project and how you plan to minimise these.
    • An outline of how you will deliver your project in line with Covid 19 safety standards.
    • If you are hosting an event or activity, various approvals and bookings may be required.
    • For proposals involving Aboriginal people and/or Torres Strait Islanders, evidence you have followed required protocols to obtain support and confirmation of involvement from the relevant communities and organisations.
  • All applications are assessed by the RADF Advisory Committee who make recommendations to Council. The committee comprises independent community members who provide expert advice and recommendations based on their specialised knowledge, skills and experience in arts and culture. Two (2) elected Councillors also sit on the committee. 

  • If you're interested in applying for a RADF grant, but still not sure if your project meets the guidelines, please contact the Regional Arts Development Fund Liaison Officer by emailing Please allow at least ten business days prior to the closing date to discuss your application. 

    For general advice and guidance on grant writing and developing a project, refer to the Arts Queensland Arts Acumen website at:

  • To provide feedback on your RADF experience, take the survey.

  • For information on other creative opportunities including funding, careers and development, visit our Creative Opportunities page.

RADF Community Grant recipients

  • Total Funding Pool of 2023-24 Program: $50,000
    Funding allocated to applicants as of September 2024: $44,437
    Community development funding initiatives: $5,563
    Remaining in Funding Pool: $0

    Q Bank Artist - in - Residency Jo Williams $2,000
    Global Beats Multicultural Choir Hervey Bay Neighbourhood Centre $4,500
    ARCO Brings World-Class Music Education & Performance to Maryborough Austraian Romantic & Classical Orchestra $3,327
    Felting with Anita Johnson and weaving with Ursula Stehle Hervey Bay Spinners, Weavers and Fibre Artists Inc $1,721
    Mandalas for Mindfulness Sophie Tighe $9,939
    A Very Jazzy Christmas TNT Big Band $6,950
    Moonaboola Country Maryborough Aboriginal Corporation for Housing & Cultural Development $10,000
    Mindfull Tangles Susan Crickitt $2,000
    Painting the Australian Landscape Hervey Bay Art Society $2,000
    Collaboration Mural Matthew Graveson $2,000


  • Total Funding Pool of 2022-23 Program: $50,000
    Total funding allocated as of September 2023: $50,000
    Remaining in Funding Pool: $0

    2 Day Workshop & Animation themed by Earth Coats Exhibition $1,464
    Rekindle the Campfires: Reconciliation Songbook $7,500
    The Wow Factor - Pastel Florals $2,000
    The Witch's Knight Film Scene $4,000
    Youth Acting and Screen Production Workshops $8,000
    The Witch's Knight Film Scene $4,000
    Bucharest International Jazz Competition $2,000
    Hervey Bay Mosaics Art Project $7,850
    Whale Boy - Creative Development & Premiere $7,500
    Biennial Organ and Brass Spectacular $2,200
    Matilda's Music Development $2,000
    "dabba gu djaa" Murri Music Festival development $2,000
    Music Video featuring the local community of Fraser Coast $3,486.00




  • Total Funding Pool of 2021-22 Program: $45,000
    Total funding allocated as of September 2022: $45,000
    Remaining in Funding Pool: $0

    Theatre Internship Program - Kobe $1,250
    Theatre Internship Program - Apaula $1,250
    Theatre Internship Program - Keisha-Ann $1,250
    Theatre Internship Program - Madison $1,250
    Theatre Internship Program - Sione $1,250
    Theatre Internship Program- Juliet $1,250
    Theatre Internship Program - Mitchell $1,250
    Christmas concert for the elderly and socially isolated $3,000
    Music Development Plan  $3,000
    The Last Collection  $15,000
    Tiaro Field Day Art Workshops $805
    'BooBook' - Little Street Libraries Art Project $2,500
    Mark Grimsley Photos - FND and Me $1,340
    Creative Digital Textiles $4,949
    NAIDOC 2022 Get Up Stand Up Show Up Community Celebrations $2,000
    Life drawing - observe, invent, create $3,656

RADF news

View all RADF news

Events Supported by RADF

Need help?

For additional assistance contact Council’s RADF Liaison Officer, by phone 1300 79 49 29 or email: Please allow at least ten business days prior to the closing date to discuss your application. 

For general advice and guidance on grant writing and developing a project, refer to the Arts Queensland Arts Acumen website at:

You can find additional funding and career opportuntities on our Creative Opportunities page.

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